Ads Talk

Adtech, Trends and Innovations - Anna-Lena Mikoteit, Octave

Episode Summary

The 5th episode of Ads Talk Podcast with Anna-Lena Mikoteit, Product Strategy Lead at Octave! Some of the topics we'll be discussing: - How digital audio has evolved over the recent years and what does it mean for advertisers - How voice-enabled ads help to build data-driven campaigns and measure them in a way that befits consumer behaviour - How brands can use podcast advertising effectively - How the latest technology trends are being incorporated into digital audio and marketing strategy - How brands can leverage voice trends.

Episode Notes

The episode is brought to you by Instreamatic - Voice AI for Brands.

At Instreamatic we’re building a future where brands and consumers speak naturally with each other. Where advertising on audio and video platforms is a two-way real-time experience that is intelligent, dynamic, relevant, and fun.

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